Tuesday, September 8, 2009

September's chilled air, St. Michael's hot tunes

Well, we enjoyed our annual wee break before Labour Day.

We are back at it now though, and fired up after the rest!

Mike Hall and Jennifer Bowman got the autumn lineup started and we had a great night.

Winning the "Who Came the Farthest?" Prize was a woman from London, England. Author Glenn Gray gave us a few of his publications to use as giveaways at the ceilidh. They are full of local antics and humour.

The last week of August, we had a young lady grace us with an etude on the piano. Kira, of St. Catharine's Ontario, had just finished her Royal Conservatory exam on piano before leaving for her Nova Scotia vacation. Good job, Miss! Keep it up! You have many musical days ahead of you.
We have found music to be tremendously beneficial as well as simply pleasurable. Though it requires time and work to excel, it is well worth it, for the enjoyment it brings to ourselves and others, and the beauty it contributes to the human experience, not to mention how it strengthens mental fortitude, intellect, and muscle training and coordination.

Simply put, we love it, and couldn't imagine life without it. Judging by the sea of beaming faces we see every night, we are not alone in this estimation.

Maybe your face will soon be beaming at one of our ceilidhs?
Comment and let us know if you have been to Baddeck Ceilidh, and what were your thoughts?

See you at the ceilidh!